Monday, 12 April 2010

Starting exercise

The internet is playing up. We had a new router which was supposed to boost the signal and occasionally it works. So you have to keep going to the computer just to catch the odd five minutes when all is well. It looks like Ray will have to go back to BT and see if he can get a better deal than with TalkTalk.

I’m exhausted, but in a good way. I’ve walked, climbed a stile and seen parts of the River Itchen I haven’t seen for years. Raymond joined a fishing association for servicemen and it entitles him to fish on some of the most beautiful parts of the river. I’ve taken a few photographs today but we only saw a couple of beats this afternoon. Hopefully we shall visit some more during the coming days.

I think it will take me about a year to build up my immunity and at the moment I have a very congested nose which is really bothering me. I have to report every rash, spot, ache and runny nose or cough on Thursday so they can nip it all in the bud before it develops into something more sinister so it makes one very introspective.

I am convinced that just as the walking built up my strength before the transplant, so some exercise will be good now. I just feel like I’ve gone backwards so far in my fitness because of the time in hospital. It’s going to take weeks, if not months to build up some strength again.

I’m going to take advantage of the internet working momentarily in order to post this before it dies on me.

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