Tuesday, 21 December 2010

An old fashioned winter

This is an old fashioned winter with cold temperatures and snow. People are really dressing for winter this year, I’ve noticed. This leads me to my first good news. My skin, which was so itchy and painful with the Graft Versus Host Disease has now cleared up sufficiently for me to be able to wear wool. It is so difficult to be warm with layers of cotton tee shirts and/or jackets which restrict movement.

Dr P increased my dosage of ciclosporin (anti rejection drug) to assist with this but, since the reappearance of the lymphoma, is now trying to reduce it. Unfortunately, one of the side-effects is stomach upsets which bothered me for most of yesterday – not so bad if you are at home, but being out or visiting does present a problem.

It seems for every bad thing that has happened there is also a good one. I developed a ferociously dry mouth with the radiation on my throat and GVHD. I was carrying around bottles of drink in my bag. As my strength is non-existent at the moment, on two occasions I didn’t put on the caps firmly enough and on Saturday I ruined my phone. Raymond was very understanding about it and bought me a new one. This illustrates a fact which is probably clear to everyone else but me. I think I am coping with all this, but I’m not really, but everyone goes along with my delusions and I receive tremendous support.

A good point is that the radiotherapy is over and although I am tired, I can feel that the growth on my neck is slightly reduced at the base of the throat. I have no idea how the node at the base of my tongue is doing though. I was looking as if I had serious goitre so being able to wear polo necks is very useful.

During the month of December it is so good to receive cards from friends and family, particularly those I have not seen for some time. I have also been touched by some very understanding letters. At such a busy time of year, I do appreciate their kind words.

We have done most of the shopping now, the cake is iced and the gammon cooking, so I am spending the afternoon catching up with my correspondence and wrapping the last parcels. Then I shall listen to some Christmas music.

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