Tuesday, 26 October 2010

The nights are drawing in

I went out quite early for me this morning. I say quite early because I don’t sleep until dawn so Raymond likes me to lie in. By the time I have used all the creams and worked out the medication time is usually getting on. I had a few errands to do but managed to park the car very near to my destinations as I found it very cold.

By the time I came home the rain had really set in and looking outside our back garden at the trees I could see that the wind was really wild. I know we should expect windy weather in October but we were spoiled for a while with unseasonally warm days.

I had a visit today from a good friend. She brought me a beautiful orchid for my birthday tomorrow and it was good to relax and have a natter. She has just returned from a similar North American cruise that Raymond and I took on the QE2. It seems so long ago now as so much has happened since. I am so glad Raymond went ahead when I was only part of the way through chemo and booked a short cruise and the one to the USA and Canada. It gave me something to look forward to during the dark days. They were wonderful experiences and such a joy to look back on, particularly as I relapsed not long after our return. My illness-free retirement lasted two months and ever since then it has been hospitals, procedures and medication.

Tomorrow I hope to have a good day. Raymond and I are each trying to shake off the blues but we have been waiting for medical results for nearly two months and it takes its toll. I hope to take my mother shopping tomorrow morning early and bring her home for coffee and then Raymond and I are going out for lunch.

If Anna is free she hopes to come down by train but it is a long journey. Now the evenings are drawing in it is the time of year to sit by the fire and keep warm in the evenings and that is just what I am going to do now.

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