Sunday, 4 July 2010

A good weekend

Today is the fourth anniversary of Raymond’s accident. We are still no nearer to getting a date for the hearing. It is highly likely that the solicitors will prefer to settle out of court but the fact that it drags on and on is very discouraging and certainly doesn’t help to convince us that British justice is particularly fair to the victims.

Waiting and being passive whilst others are in control is difficult for most of us who have been quite active in our careers and daily lives. Occasionally in Raymond’s case there is a flurry of activity and then it all subsides again. I feel similarly passive in the way I must just wait and see how this graft versus host disease develops or gradually disappears.

Although physically I am on a plateau, I am beginning to feel more positive mentally which I think is something of a relief not only to me but the family who are not used to my being passive and inactive.

I am pleased that Raymond’s course is going so well. Somehow when people have travelled so far to get here (in this case Slovakia) we feel very responsible that they have a really fulfilling experience. They photograph a variety of people including on this occasion a young boy of just under two years of age who was absolutely excellent.

This afternoon I am looking forward to the Wimbledon Men’s Final. I have been a fan of Wimbledon since I was a teenager and have been lucky enough to attend on several occasions. It has been lovely to have the time to watch the matches on television without feeling I ought to be doing something else. When I was at school Wimbledon fortnight always coincided with school exams and the enjoyment was always tempered with a little guilt that I should have been revising.

Anna returns today and I am looking forward to seeing her. Altogether it has been a good weekend.

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