Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Another milestone this month

Another milestone. My hair has grown enough for me to be able to go without a turban at home. This hot weather has meant it has been difficult sleeping with extra head covering so I am very pleased as it is another step towards normality. It is still a little too short to appear in public like this. When my hair grew back after my first bout of chemo three years ago, a similar thing happened. This time it has grown back darker than before but when my eyebrows grew back they were dark at first and then lightened without any help from me.

I have just interrupted my blog as Raymond has told me there is a stag in the garden. At this time of year they come in day and night. The other day I was sitting reading downstairs when I looked up and saw a fawn staring at me. Its mother and sibling were also on the patio immediately outside our window and didn’t seem the least concerned.

Today is very still and warm. Normally I would like to be sitting outside reading and even more normally in the past I would have been outside doing some gardening. It is frustrating watching all the weeds growing but Raymond can’t do everything. Today I am not even sitting outside reading either but I am summoning my strength to write a letter to Raymond’s solicitor about his accident. Raymond has put down the main points and has spent yet more hours doing calculations about the business losses. The legal team seem to work in fits and starts and then they demand a lot of answers from us which usually take considerable time often at inconvenient moments. I wish they would work a little more consistently especially as we are now in the fifth year since the accident.

This is the busy period of the month as Raymond has a course starting on Friday. He usually enjoys them and invariably the people attending are interesting so although it involves quite a bit of preparation it is rewarding.

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